Slot – How Slot is Used in English

Slot is a dynamic placeholder on your page that either waits for content to be added (passive slot) or actively calls out to get it (active slot). A slot can contain only one kind of content, dictated by its type attribute. A slot works in tandem with a renderer to deliver the content of the slot onto the page.

Noun (plural slots) A narrow depression, notch, or opening for receiving or admitting something, such as a coin or a letter. Also: (aviation) The time period reserved in a flight schedule for the departure or arrival of an aircraft. He had a lot of work on his plate, so he didn’t have any time to take on another project.

In the US the term ‘slot machine’ is generally used to refer to a casino game with reels that spin when a button is pressed. Despite their popularity, these games are not without controversy. In addition to the risk of addiction, some research suggests that playing these machines may arouse feelings of depressive or anxious symptomatology in some players.

Slot is a word that has appeared in many different contexts and can be found across multiple domains, including the sciences, the arts, and everyday life. The examples we have programmatically compiled do not reflect the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors, but we hope they give you an idea of the wide range of ways this word is used. If you have a suggestion for an additional example, please contact us.