How to Design a Casino

After the success of Goodfellas, the time was ripe for a sequel. Enter Casino, a dark and bravura tale of organized crime that stars de Niro and Pesci as Ace and Nicky, respectively. Like Paul Verhoeven’s Showgirls a year later, it imagines Las Vegas as a hellscape—though Scorsese’s sensibility is less exuberant than rueful, and carefully attuned to institutional systems of grift.

The main attraction of a casino is gambling, but the facilities often go beyond that and have many other entertainment options for visitors to enjoy. The goal of casinos is to make money, and the longer they can keep people in their premises and playing their games, the more they will earn. This is why a casino is designed to be as stimulating as possible to encourage players to spend more and take more risks.

To this end, the layout of a casino will use lighting and colors to stimulate the senses and influence the emotions of guests. For example, red is a popular color in casinos because it is thought to cause people to lose track of time. It is also why you will rarely see a clock in a casino.

The same principles used to design a casino can be applied to any business. However, it is important to keep in mind that the types of activities that are popular today may not be so tomorrow, and it’s up to you to stay on top of trends in your niche market.

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