How to Keep Your Casino Safe

A casino’s security measures are based on patterns and routines. There are betting spots and dealers who shuffle cards. All of these actions are predictable and can make it easier to spot suspicious behavior. For example, the color red is often used to decorate the casino. The bright colors, however, can make it difficult to tell the time. Having no clocks in a casino’s security systems is a major safety risk. Here are some tips to keep your casino safe.

High rollers: High-stakes gamblers spend more than average. They play in special rooms separate from the main casino floor. These players typically wager tens of thousands of dollars at a time. Casinos profit a lot from these high-stakes gamblers. In addition to rake, high rollers are also entitled to free luxury suites and personal attention. They also receive comps that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

House Edge: While there is an overall positive house edge to most casino bets, the house edge is much higher for higher-stakes games. The casino’s house edge represents the average gross profit from each game. Those games with a low house edge will make a profit of only 0.5% to 2%, while those with the highest house edge will generate profits of fifteen to forty percent. The house edge is a key factor when choosing which games to play.

Technology: Casinos have made significant investments in technology to increase the safety of their casinos. Video cameras and computers routinely monitor game play. In addition, “chip tracking” uses betting chips with built-in microcircuitry to track wagers minute by minute. The roulette wheel is monitored regularly for statistical deviations. Even more recent developments include enclosed versions of many popular casino games that don’t require dealers, and allow players to bet by pressing buttons.

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