What is a Slot?


The term slot is a general term used to describe both the data paths and operation issue machinery that are used in processing instructions. It is most common in the VLIW world, where the relationship between the operation in an instruction and the pipeline used to execute it is explicit or implicit. Similarly, a slot is a job position in a newspaper, as in “chief copy editor.” It is also used to refer to a pilot’s authorization to fly a certain flight and can occur at any time in the day.

A slot is an aperture or perforation, a narrow depression or opening that receives a piece. The word “slot” also refers to a deer track, where a bloodhound follows the slot of a wounded deer. It is also a synonym for “drool,” which means “to beggar.”

The term slot is derived from the French word for “slot” (‘to cut or provide with a slot’). The sense “drop a coin into a hole” dates from 1888, while “fit something into a slot” is from the late 1960s. Even though the older sense is mainly obsolete, the word’s use in hockey is still incredibly important. As the area between the faceoff circles is critical to scoring opportunities, the goaltender must be alert to make sure he or she gets to it.

If you’re building an application that will process utterances with multiple slots, you can create a list of slots to match a certain phrase or word. Then, in the Slots tab, select the corresponding slot name. Your selected word or phrase will now be highlighted in a colored underline. You can edit or delete a slot by selecting it from the Slots tab. In some cases, you can add multiple slots to a single utterance.