Why It’s Important For Casino Marketers to Understand Their Audience


Casinos are designed to be exciting, fun places. The flashy decor, the music blaring, and the coins clanking against each other create a rush of energy that draws people in. But underneath all the glitter is a bedrock of maths, engineered to slowly bleed patrons of their cash. And for years, mathematically inclined minds have been trying to turn the tables by leveraging their understanding of probability and game theory.

But a casino’s job isn’t to save the down-on-their luck. It’s to make sure that they’re not wasting their money or risking more than they can afford to lose. To do that, they need to know their audience as well as possible. So they employ a number of people in specialised roles, including gaming mathematicians, to calculate the house edge and variance of each game. These figures help casinos determine the best ways to set their games and how much they should bet.

Even though the casino isn’t designed to rescue gamblers down on their luck, it does provide a thrill that keeps them coming back for more. And that’s why it’s so important for casino marketers to understand what their audience is looking for in a casino experience and double down on those elements. It could be something as simple as adding e-sports to the mix or as complex as building a virtual reality gambling environment. Either way, it’s essential to stay ahead of the competition and deliver what your audience wants – before they start playing elsewhere.

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Cape Town, South Africa