Promoting Casino Group Events With Cvent


Throughout history, people have been betting money on different things and events to try to win something. These gambling establishments are called casinos. Often times, they include other amenities that make them more inviting such as restaurants, meeting and event space and even spa and health clubs. However, it is the casino’s gaming floor that is its bread and butter.

While other epic crime dramas only glamorize the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas and its past ties with organized crime, Casino lays it all out for us. It shows that the city was founded on corruption and that its tentacles touched politicians, Teamsters unions, mob families from Chicago and the Midwest, and even real estate developers in Kansas City.

The film also features an exceptional cast led by Robert De Niro as a slippery mobster named Tommy Gunn. Sharon Stone is also a stand out as the blonde hustler Ginger McKenna. And, Joe Pesci makes a great addition to the cast as Santoro, a mobster who is no pushover.

Aside from the casino’s games and other attractions, it is important for casinos to promote their group business offerings. This way, they can earn more repeat and referral business from event planners looking to host weddings, conventions, family reunions, corporate retreats or other large groups. Using Cvent’s Competitive Ads will give your casino the prominent exposure it needs to be top of mind for these types of planners when they’re searching online.

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